This page collects notes and code that have been helpful over the years but that do not appear in my research papers.
Cattle Markets in the United States
Here is a graph that illustrates how the proportion of cattle procured via formula and forward contracts has been increasing.
Nested Logit Demand
Materials prepared in support of the Miller and Weinberg (2017) research project on the U.S. beer industry.
- Notes that derive market shares and the first and second derivatives of demand for the one-level and two-level nested logit demand systems.
- R Code with functions that provide the market shares and derivatives (nlfunctions.R) and a short script that demonstrates how the functions can be called (nlstarter.R).
Perry Porter (1985 AER) Model of Cournot Competition
Materials prepared in support of the Miller and Podwol research project. The Perry and Porter (1985) model provides a way to analyze some markets in which there isn't much product differentiation.
- See McAfee and Williams (1992 JIE) for the mathematics.
- R Code with functions that allow for calibration and merger simulation (pp_functions.R) and a short script that shows how to use the functions (pp_starter.R). Mergers often are profitable in the Perry and Porter (1985) version of the Cournot model.